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Reports and Analysis

Identify and Evaluate Strategic Business Opportunities

Our team of experts processes and analyzes the data under ISO Quality Standards. The organization of the information in these reports is designed to support you in the management of your business, helping you to make effective decisions and communicate key business intelligence to associates, management or business partners.


Based on concrete and reliable data, you can:

  • Determine the size of a given market, as well as your market share and that of your competitors.
  • Obtain information aboutproducts or markets to discover trade trends and new business opportunities.
  • Better understand product demand, trade movements and market prices to improve your capacity for negotiation.

Our team will provide you with professional advice about customized reports whenever you need it. For more information, talk to our Account Executives.

El titular de los datos personales tiene la facultad de ejercer el derecho de acceso de los mismos en forma gratuita a intervalos no inferiores a seis meses, salvo que se acredite un interés legítimo al efecto conforme lo establecido en el articulo 14, inciso 3 de la Ley N° 25.326.

La DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS PERSONALES, Órgano de control de la Ley N° 25.326, tiene la atribución de atender las denuncias y reclamos que se interpongan con relación al incumplimiento de las normas sobre protección de datos personales.