Datamyne LatAm provides easy access, with expert support, to the world’s largest searchable trade database covering the cross-border commerce of nearly 20 country markets across continents.
The energy industry is being transformed as new discoveries, technologies, government policies, and geopolitics work to reshape markets for fossil and renewable fuels alike.
In markets this volatile, intelligence is vital , our data will allow competitive advantages .
Discover new sources of fuel, as well as production system components (such as solar panels, power plants).
Uncover market opportunities
Gauge demand for power generation infrastructure, clean energy solutions, as well as resources, feedstocks and fuels.
Use import‐export data to plan hedges against price swings and supply interruptions, strengthen negotiating positions, and maintain profitability.
Feed your statistical models with the latest available, authoritative, detailed data on import flows, shipment volumes and values.
Monitor trade for illegal practices (such as solar module dumping) that could impact your business.
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